The Shopatico Selector lets you take items from any site and add them to your closet.

In a nutshell:

Drag this link >>> Select to Shopatico <<< to your browser's bookmarks toolbar.

Now, whenever you're on any fashion site (stores, blogs, news, etc.) and you see an item that you want to add to your closet, just click that new "Select to Shopatico" link on your bookmarks toolbar.

The full details:

The Shopatico Selector lets you do two things:

  • add new items to your closet
  • select new images for items that are already in your closet

So now you can select that cute dress from Lord & Taylor, that must-have hat from Singer22 and those awesome boots from Shopbop and see how they all look together in an outfit.

Q. Why would you want to select a new image for an item?

A. When you forward an order confirmation email to Shopatico, the site tries to determine the category (dresses, skirts, jean, etc.) of each item and assigns an appropriate stock image. You can adjust the color of this image but these stock images are really just placeholders for the "real" images that you will select.

You can upload an new image from your computer or tablet. This works great if you want to use pictures of your clothes that you've taken with a camera or smartphone. You can even upload a picture of yourself and use it in your "looks".

The easiest (and coolest) way to replace an image is to use the Shopatico Selector. If you've used sites like Pinterest, you know about dragging a special link to your bookmarks toolbar and then using it while on other sites to capture images.

So, here it is (again). Just drag this link >>> Select to Shopatico <<< to your browser's bookmarks toolbar. Then, go to the site that contains the image you want, click on the Selector link and you will see all of your Shopatico items and all of the images on that page. You'll be able to select a new item or select a new image for any item already in your closet.